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Some Thoughts For Christians To Ponder...
Do you, as a Christian, truly believe that The Bible is God's own Word?

Are you really convinced that He has ensured that it is free from error- of any kind?

Your faith is only as good as the object of that faith. 

There is an old saying that goes along the lines of, 'The devil's greatest accomplishment was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.'
I would believe this to be true; you cannot conquer an enemy if you are convinced there are none to be conquered.
The god of this world then has no qualms about this, in fact, for now it best serves his present purposes. As long as he keeps his servants happy- supplying them with all the misinformation and distractions that their fleshy hearts desire- and above all, focus on self, he feels that he is getting his own back at God.

It is only when a person is set free from his bondage and into a saving relationship with Christ that the enemy truly becomes dangerous. Now you are the focus of his wrath; as now in Christ you are a threat.


The devil, having much practise with humans, attacks our personal weak points with skill; all the more so for the believer, with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
However, in our walk, in getting to know God's character through His Word, the enemy's favorite tactic against the child of God is doubt.
From the beginning with Eve, he was not foolish enough to say that God didn't say
something, as Eve had heard Him herself.- No, the enemy got Eve to doubt what exactly God meant, even though His words were plain and simple enough. In effect, Satan convinced her that God said one thing, but He actually meant something different.

In other words, 'Don't trust in His words as they are..He is holding something back from you- trust in me, then you can trust in yourself and your knowledge.'


When reading the Word and come across certain verses of topics which are supernatural, or unusual to us, or alien to what we are used to in todays society or just plain 'bizarre', we may attempt to 'rationalise' them, make them fit in with what we "know" because of the current line of thought which is circulating from the secular high priest- the (secular/liberal) scientist/”scholar”... as opposed to having trust (based on solid evidence) that God means what He says and says what He means; That we do not interpret the Word in accordance to the ever changing tides of scientific discovery which may be falsified as soon as tomorrow, but acknowledge that the Word interprets itself- so when there is found something which is obviously written in symbolic language, we would have the diligence to search all the relevant scriptures to find out the meaning.
Of course, today, as we draw close to Jesus' return we can expect that such thoughts concerning scripture will be misunderstood. We can expect to be called ignorant, fools, short sighted, "fundamentalist" lacking in scholarly insight and knowledge.... “atheists” may say worse.

Deductive Reasoning 101 

One of the greatest reasons for the Christian to believe that the Bible is true is that Jesus believed in the truthfulness of the Scriptures. To reject Scripture is in essence to reject Jesus. It would be very unusual for someone to believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord and yet believe that Jesus was wrong on the issue of the Scriptures. Jesus used the Old Testament to validate who He was (Luke 24:27, 44; John 5). He believed that the Scripture could not be broken (John 10:35). Jesus held that every word and letter was important (Matt. 5:17-19). He believed that doctrinal error came from misunderstanding the Scriptures and rebuked the Pharisees for making their traditions equal with the Scriptures (Matt. 15:6). 


In controversies, Jesus simply quoted the Scripture to end the debate (Matt. 4:4-10; John 8:17). Jesus authoritatively answered His critics with questions like: "It is written," "Have you not read," and "Search the Scriptures." Jesus even used Scripture to overcome the temptations of Satan (Matt. 4:4). 

The writings of the New Testament make it clear that Jesus did not believe the Old Testament to be a collection of legends or fairytales. Jesus never questioned the integrity of any Old Testament book. He believed the writers were those whose names were on the writings. In fact, Christ, quoted every book of the Old Testament and named every author, including Daniel as the author of Daniel and Moses as the author of the 5 books of the Torah. 

The New Testament verifies the historicity of over 40 Old Testament people, not counting the genealogical lists. It is difficult to say that one could accept the New Testament as historical but not the Old Testament. If one truly believes the New Testament, one cannot reject any of the Old Testament. Jesus believed in the accuracy of the Old Testament and believed it to be the Word of God. 

It is illogical to affirm Jesus as the Son of God but assert that the Scriptures He, Himself affirmed contain falsehood. If it were true that there is falsehood in the Bible, there are only four possibilities regarding the statements of Jesus. 

The first possibility is: Jesus was a fraud and lied about the Scriptures. It insults the intelligence of the reader to think for one moment that Jesus was a devious, evil, sinister liar. Jesus loved humanity. The entire life of Jesus was of kindness. The character of a person goes hand in hand with the claims of a person. This possibility is unthinkable for the Christian.   It contradicts Scripture by attributing the sin of lying to Jesus.


The second possibility is: Jesus knew there were errors but covered them up to accommodate the beliefs of his day. This is known as "The Accommodation Theory." This theory holds that Jesus went along with erroneous views in order to present His message to listeners. This theory is not consistent with the gospels which show that Jesus never accepted the mistaken views of His time. Jesus often refuted wrong traditions saying, "You have heard that it was said. . . . But I say to you . . ." (Matt. 5). If Jesus had taught error as being truth, He would have been guilty of deception. However, the New Testament asserts that Jesus never sinned nor said anything that would not be trustworthy (1 Pet. 2:22).  Furthermore, this conflicts with Christ's statement that He IS Truth.(John 14:6) Therefore, this possibility is seriously flawed.


The third possibility is: There were errors in the Bible but Jesus was ignorant of them. If Jesus was mistaken, He certainly was not who He claimed to be and was a fraud. If the errors were in the Bible and Jesus was not aware of them, He could not have been the Son of God as He claimed.   This viewpoint cannot be the belief of someone who believes in the Deity of Christ.


The fourth possibility is: Jesus had the correct view of the Bible.  Jesus correctly believed the Scriptures to be the authoritative word of God. Thus it is illogical for a believer of Jesus to reject the truthfulness of Scripture. The truthfulness of Jesus and the truthfulness of the Bible are inextricably linked.   For the Christian, the authority of Christ settles the issue of the truthfulness of the Bible.

Now, there is plenty of evidence outside of the Bible which corroborate it's reliability, but that is another subject. 

Scientific knowledge has indeed greatly benefited our lives. It is a gift that God has given us- using our intelligence and resources to explore and examine His creation that He may receive the glory. As Francis Bacon, known as the 'father of modern science' said : 

A little science estranges a man from God. A lot of science brings him back.

 Yet as Christians, it is of my opinion that our priorities should be in order. Remember that science today is the study of nature, nothing more.  This is largely due regrettably to certain influential (yet all too human) scientists who wish to eliminate legitimate scientific  exploration into the things of God because of their own biases, prejudices, presuppositions and axes to grind and so are therefore unqualified to comment or to glibly disregard things of the supernatural, the details and evidicnes in support of which they are willfully ignorant.

So, who do you really trust?  As it is written "let God be true and every man a liar." Selah.

See this related page also: http://www.thewhyman.jesusanswers.com/photo3.html

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